Waqf bill having been passed in the Rajya Sabha is a false claim. While the Waqf Amendment Bill was tabled and accepted, it has not been passed as claimed.
Rahul Gandhi's viral video claiming he accepted BJP MPs were pushed is altered. He was actually referring to a scuffle with Mallikarjun Kharge, not BJP MPs, as claimed.
Ambedkar Picture Controversy | A viral image has been circulating on social media, claiming that Ambedkar’s picture was placed on all seats in the Parliament as a protest against Amit Shah.
Gautam Lahiri, veteran journalist and President of the Press Club of India, speaks to The Probe’s Editor Neeraj Thakur about the repercussions of Parliament restrictions on reporting for journalists and how this affects democracy and journalism.
Indian Parliament often sees instances where the government claims data unavailability. This excuse is cited as the main reason for not providing the requested information. Here are 10 issues for which the government didn't provide data.
Lok Sabha Election Results: Seventy three women have been elected in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, down from 78 in 2019, far below the 33% target of the Women’s Reservation Bill.
The hollowing out of parliamentary democracy in India can only be checked and reversed by a successful electoral challenge to the Modi personality cult.