Wayanad faced a deadly landslide on July 30, which killed over 350 people and destroyed three villages. Experts suggest an early warning system, though predicting landslide paths is difficult.
The growing threats of fake news and misinformation in India, their impact on public health, elections, and social harmony, and the critical role of media literacy in combating them.
ANRF: The Anusandhan National Research Foundation faces severe criticism for lack of transparency, political influence, and centralisation in research funding, potentially undermining India’s scientific progress.
Indian researchers have created an algorithm that provides a 80-94% accuracy in identifying landslide movement. This new algorithm is bound to help numerous Indians living in landslide prone areas.
Print and electronic media are coping admirably with the upheavals being wrought by social media. Social media has dramatically transformed the Indian news industry.
Economics has good news for workers fearing joblessness due to the rise of AI - only labour consumes, and the value of consuming populations is growing.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are already being widely used in science. But can they, and the science they help produce, be trusted? (Science and Technology)
In the disinformation war, scientists will fail if their only weapons are critical thinking and a respect for evidence. To Restore Trust in Science, We Need Great Storytellers.
Art is inspired by life, while artificial intelligence lacks that personal touch. This makes the arts community best suited to demonstrate the boundaries of AI.
Late stars of yesteryear like Marilyn Monroe may grace the silver screen may be one way Hollywood seeks to use AI in film, but ethical qualms and legal disputes are aplenty.