Transgender rights activists in Uttar Pradesh have levelled serious allegations against a member of the UP Transgender Welfare Board. An FIR has been filed against the activists who raised the complaint against the board member.
Kamakhya Temple: Transgender persons allege police harassment and denial of right to worship, stating they face discrimination and call for equal access.
Transgender persons reveal disturbing details about police atrocities. Hear from the victims themselves as they recount the shocking and degrading treatment they have endured.
In this report, we speak to multiple Project Directors of Garima Grehs who confirm that the government has stopped the promised funding and the trans shelter homes are on the verge of collapse.
As the LGBTQIA community has been expanding in India, so have its problems. Discrimination, homophobia, indifference, and institutionalised apathy are just some of the many challenges faced by the community. This news documentary reveals the real life struggles of some of the LGBTQIA+ persons in India.