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Pakistan's Azm-e-Istehkam: Another Effort and Its Terrorist Ties

Pakistan's Operation Azm-e-Istehkam targets Afghan-based terrorism, facing scrutiny for selective engagement with extremists amid broader regional stability concerns.

By Srijan Sharma
New Update
Pakistan's security challenge

Pakistan's Azm-e-Istehkam: Another Effort and Its Terrorist Ties | Representative image | Photo courtesy: Special arrangement

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Pakistan's Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, recently launched, is a counter-terrorism initiative aimed at quelling the surge of terrorist activities within its borders. This operation, strategically designed, targets various terrorist organisations, particularly those infiltrating from Afghanistan, with the goal of restoring stability in the country. 

Pakistan's history of counter-terrorism efforts dates back to the tragic Peshawar school attack a decade ago, which catalysed the implementation of the National Action Plan. While initially promising, the efficacy of these measures has been questioned, with critics labelling them as more symbolic than substantive, aimed at appeasing public anxieties rather than effecting real change.

Three critical questions persist regarding Pakistan's renewed counter-terrorism strategies: Firstly, why do these efforts often appear superficial? Secondly, why does the emphasis seem to prioritise tactical flexibility over whole-hearted commitment? And thirdly, perhaps most significantly, what motivates the country's occasional reluctance to rein in groups it has previously supported?

Geostrategic Imperatives vs. Radical Elements

Pakistan's national security strategy is deeply rooted in its rivalry with India, often articulated with references to nuclear escalation should certain thresholds be breached. Central to this strategy is Kashmir, where Pakistan sees its actions as a deterrent against India, using unconventional means such as support for insurgent activities. However, the country's engagement with terrorism extends beyond mere strategy, particularly concerning India.

The historical context, from Zia-ul-Haq's "Bleed India with Thousand Cuts" to more recent operations like Operation Tupac, highlights how radical elements within the country's military establishment have fostered and utilised terrorist groups against India. This strategic use of terrorism has become embedded in Pakistan's national security doctrine, presenting a persistent challenge in efforts to fully eradicate extremist influences.

The selective approach to counter-terrorism efforts reveals the country's complex relationship with radical groups. Despite occasional crackdowns and operations, certain factions, like the Tehreek-e Taliban, continue to thrive, often supported for strategic engagements in Afghanistan or proxy conflicts with India. The country's reluctance to dismantle these groups entirely has been a significant criticism, undermining the effectiveness of initiatives like the National Action Plan.

In navigating its security landscape, Pakistan resorts to periodic and selective measures, akin to trimming overgrown grass, rather than addressing the root causes of extremism. This approach, driven by strategic necessity and geopolitical imperatives, perpetuates a cycle where terrorism remains a persistent, albeit managed, element of the nation's national security strategy.

Strategic Manoeuvring Amidst Global Pressure

The country's approach to counter-terrorism has often been scrutinised for its dual nature, balancing international obligations with strategic imperatives rooted in regional geopolitics. Following the aftermath of 9/11, Pakistan found itself at a critical juncture when the United States initiated its global war on terror. Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf and the then DG ISI Lt. General Mahmood faced direct ultimatums from the US, epitomised by Secretary of State Colin Powell's stark "You are with us or against us" declaration.

The gravity of the situation was underscored by threats of severe consequences, including the infamous warning from Richard Armitage to "bomb Pakistan back into the Stone Age" if it did not align with American interests. Musharraf, acutely aware of his country's delicate balance between maintaining ties with the Taliban and safeguarding against US retaliation, navigated cautiously. His decision to cooperate with the US on the surface while covertly facilitating the exfiltration of key personnel and Taliban operatives into the country's tribal areas exemplified the nation's strategic manoeuvring.

This nuanced approach aimed to preserve the country's strategic depth vis-à-vis Afghanistan and maintain covert ties with Taliban factions, ensuring tactical flexibility in future operations. However, this dual strategy has drawn criticism for undermining international trust and perpetuating the nation's ambiguous stance on terrorism.

The complexities of the Pakistani response to global pressures reveals a broader narrative of strategic pragmatism intertwined with regional security dynamics. As Pakistan continues to navigate its counter-terrorism policies, its intentions and actions remain subject to scrutiny, reflecting the enduring challenges of balancing international alliances with domestic security objectives.

Musharraf's Strategic Vision and the Unintended Consequences

In the early 2000s, former President Musharraf recognised the existential threat posed by Taliban's ideological agenda, foreseeing the potential repercussions for Pakistan. Initiatives like Operation Sher Dil and Zalzala were launched to counter this rising menace, particularly in tribal areas such as South Waziristan. However, these operations, while addressing immediate threats on the surface, failed to uproot terrorism at its core.

Instead, the socio-economic and political ramifications of these military campaigns intensified local grievances, pushing tribal communities towards militancy and viewing the Taliban as protectors against perceived injustice


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