Transgender rights activists in Uttar Pradesh have levelled serious allegations against a member of the UP Transgender Welfare Board. An FIR has been filed against the activists who raised the complaint against the board member.
Acid attack survivors in India face immense challenges, from bureaucratic apathy to inadequate legal protection and societal stigma. Their stories are shocking to hear yet awe-inspiring.
Rohingya asylum seeker, a 19-year-old woman, endured months of trauma after being raped and was forced to cross into Bangladesh for an abortion due to legal barriers in India. Despite her efforts, the accused remains free.
Manual scavengers remain unacknowledged and unprotected, facing life-threatening conditions daily. And in death, their numbers don't even get recorded.
The harrowing reality of mob lynching in India, exploring the brutal incidents, the challenges faced by victims' families in seeking justice, and the systemic failures that allow such crimes to persist.
Human health relies on healthy ecosystems, but these are under threat because of climate change. Securing the right to live in a healthy environment is crucial for all.