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In frames: Haunting images from Delhi during Covid-19 lockdown

The haunting imagery of the lockdown captured on an iPhone that won hearts

By Parul Sharma
New Update
A migrant family living under a flyover in Rohini

During the four-month lockdown, when Delhi was deserted, Photographer Parul Sharma captured the haunting images of the National Capital in her photo frames using an iPhone. The evocative visual imagery that followed brings to life the most terrifying times of Delhi during lockdown.

Parul Sharma left her job in 2017 to pursue her passion for photography. Speaking to The Probe, she said “I started capturing these images from the 3rd of April 2020. These photographs have been received well and I am very happy that I was there to witness these terrible moments and I could make the world witness what I saw during the peak of the lockdown”.

A Covid dead body at the Nigambodh Ghat electric crematorium A Covid dead body at the Nigambodh Ghat electric crematorium


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