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Behlolpur Khadar: Demolition Drive Renders People Homeless

Behlolpur Khadar experienced a sudden DDA demolition, leaving residents homeless. Despite DDA's claim of following orders, residents allege they received no prior written notice.

By Aman Kumar and Aashiya Pal
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Behlolpur Khadar Demolition Drive: Communities Devastated

In the heart of Delhi, on July 5th, a sudden demolition drive tore apart communities in Behlolpur Khadar near Sarai Kale Khan. These structures were not just simple shanties; they were homes to people who have been the backbone of this city for over three decades. Many residents allege that their jhuggis were razed without adequate notice.

"Taken by Surprise Without Notice"

Abdul Razzak, a resident, recounted the shocking event, "When we woke up in the morning, at about 6:30 A.M., the police and the JCB came here. We were told that from all four sides our jhuggis would be demolished. Before this, yesterday, we did not receive any written notice. We didn’t even know that our jhuggis would be demolished. We were ready to go to work in the morning, but then we saw that the police had come and had started demolishing our jhuggis. They broke all our things. We managed to remove some of our household articles, but some got lost in the demolition. A young boy also got injured because of the JCB."

Behlolpur - Abdul Razzak
"We did not receive any written notice before demolition" - Abdul Razzak

"We Want Justice"

Kiran Devi, another resident, expressed her anguish, "We want justice. Our children go to school, and their education is affected. We have been displaced. We are dying in the heat. No one comes to take stock of our situation. Is 7 A.M. a time to demolish jhuggis?"

Unheard Pleas and Broken Promises

The residents allege that they did not get prior notice about the demolition. "Yesterday evening they told us verbally and in the morning they started bulldozing our jhuggis. Is this the way? Is our children’s education getting spoiled or not? The poor know about poverty. Why can’t the rich understand poverty? We poor people help the rich win elections. We vote for them, and that is how they become rich. After they assume power, they forget us," lamented Devi. 

Behlolpur - Kiran Devi
"We want justice" - Kiran Devi


Devi has been living in the area for about fifteen years now. The sudden and unannounced demolition has left many families in distress, raising questions about the handling and humanitarian considerations of such actions.

Heartless Execution of Demolition Drives in Delhi

While there is a consensus on upholding the law and not supporting illegal settlements on government land, the execution of demolition drives in Delhi has come under severe criticism. Families are given no warning, no time to gather their belongings, and no alternative shelter is provided. The enforcement of the law is not in question, but the inhumanity of its execution is.

Injured in the Chaos

In the chaos and haste of the demolition, safety was overlooked, leading to tragic consequences for some of the most vulnerable. A young boy was injured during the demolition.

Mohit, the injured boy described the incident: "I was sitting there in the morning when the JCB started its demolition. I was sitting far away, but things started falling on me. I got submerged under the pile. I fell unconscious, and I don’t know what happened after that."

Mohit - Injured Boy
"Things fell on me and I fell unconscious" - Mohit

Manju Devi, Mohit's mother, shared her harrowing experience: "I removed all my household items and was sitting far away. The JCB took a turn, and all the items fell upon my child, causing him to fall unconscious. He was taken to the hospital by the police. They were asked for money at the gate, and they left him and ran away."

The incident highlights the need for more humane enforcement of the law, ensuring that the safety and well-being of residents are not compromised in the process. The heartless manner in which these demolitions are executed has left many families in distress and has raised serious questions about the authorities' approach to such sensitive operations.

Desperate Pleas from Displaced Residents

Most of the people we spoke to expressed their despair, having nowhere to go. Amidst the devastation, we encountered a man, his voice filled with anguish, screaming and shouting about his plight. His words echoed the frustration and desperation felt by so many who have lost everything.

"If you had to demolish our jhuggis, you could have given us 4 to 5 days' notice," the man shouted. "They just demolished them just like that. I lost my money. I lost all my things."

Residents here possess Aadhaar cards and voter ID cards, all bearing their current address. It's a bitter irony that, despite paying their electricity bills regularly, they feel that all of a sudden they have been hammered with the truth that they are illegal residents.

The sudden developments have left them feeling betrayed and displaced, questioning the validity of their very existence in a place they have long called home.

"Stayed for Years and Demolished Without Notice"

Nizam, a resident, shared his story: "My name is Nizam, and I have been staying in this jhuggi since my childhood. My parents have also been living here for the last 35 years. I was born here in 1994 and grew up here. I studied at the nagar nigam’s school in Sarai Kale Khan. We have been staying here for so many years. All our documents have been made from this address, including our Aadhaar Card, Voter ID card, PAN card—A to Z, all our government documents have been made from this address."

Behlolpur resident Nizam

"Stayed for Years and Demolished Without Notice" - Nizam

He continued, "Even the Delhi government’s regulations say that if houses are demolished, we should be rehabilitated. Even the honourable Prime Minister has also said that if the jhuggis are demolished, the residents should get homes. In between, it was their slogan: wherever there is a jhuggi, there will be a house. Then why haven’t they given us homes? They give us false promises during the nagar nigam elections, the assembly elections, or the general elections. Then they run to us and tell us to vote for them and that they will give us homes. So far, no one has heard us out."

"Even if we have been staying on government land for the last 30-35 years, if they wanted to demolish our jhuggis, then at least they had to give us a notice a day before. We were not given any notice. Without giving us notice, they just told us that in the morning they would demolish our homes at 9 A.M. and to remove our items. But not even at 9 A.M.; they just came here at 5:06 A.M. and started bulldozing our jhuggis. More than half the population here couldn’t even get the time to remove their household articles. They lost all their items," Nizam lamented.

"Left with Nowhere to Go"

Ali, another resident of Behlolpur, recounted his experience: "DDA and the police came. We were told in the evening, around 4:30 PM, that they would come at about 10 AM the next day, but they a


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