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Acid Attack Survivors: The Untold Stories

Acid attack survivors in India face immense challenges, from bureaucratic apathy to inadequate legal protection and societal stigma. Their stories are shocking to hear yet awe-inspiring.

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Acid Attack Survivors Speak Out

Attacked by Father

Julie’s life changed forever at the tender age of four when her own father’s cruel act left her scarred in more ways than one. "I was attacked in 2014. I was just 4 years old," she recalls. The attack was a tragic outcome of a family conflict. Julie’s parents were estranged, and her mother had remarried. "My father got jealous and came to throw acid on her, but accidentally it fell on me," she shares.

Despite her resilience, Julie’s journey has been anything but easy. Her education suffered, her classmates ostracised her, and neighbours’ cruel remarks added to her trauma. "When I came back from the hospital, everyone was looking at me with disgust. They said things like, ‘She should have been given poison; she should die,’” she reveals.


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Attacked by a 55-year-old Man

At just 15 years old, Anshu Rajput became the victim of an acid attack that would forever alter her life. "A 55-year-old man carried out the attack when I was 15," she recounts. The man, who was her neighbour, had been following her for some time before confronting her. "He stopped my bicycle one day and said, ‘I am in love with you and want to have a relationship with you.’ I was shocked—he was old enough to be my grandfather," Anshu says.

Anshu’s fight did not end with the attack. It extended into the courtroom, where justice proved elusive. "My case went on for seven years. In 2020, the accused was given life imprisonment, but in 2022, he was released on bail because he was a senior citizen," she says, her voice tinged with bitterness.


For Anshu, the law’s failure is a second betrayal. "I don’t understand this. He ruined my life when I was just starting


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