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BJP: Why Is the Ruling Party Confident of Staying in Power for Long?

BJP being confident about long-term power stems from strategic political manoeuvres, narrative control, and an agile approach that outpaces a reactive and fragmented Opposition.

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BJP: Why Is the Ruling Party Confident of Staying in Power for Long? | Picture of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His party leaders claim that they will be in power for decades. Photo Credits: kremlin.ru | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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BJP, with its ability to set the terms of the national discourse and its political agility, prompts its leaders to claim that they will remain in power for a few more decades.

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has asserted that it will be in power for a long time.

Indian Home Minister Amit Shah recently claimed that the party would be at the helm for the next 15 years. Earlier, in 2015, he had said the next 30-year period would be the era of the Bharatiya Janata Party.


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The party has been in power in the state of Gujarat for more than two decades. It has ruled India for over ten years and won a third successive five-year term in June 2024.

What makes the Bharatiya Janata Party so sure it will continue to be in power?

The party has made institutional changes aimed at retaining power for a long time. Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi claims that it has institutionalised malpractices, and that is why the fight was not against a party but the ‘entire machinery’ of the Indian state. An election could not be fair without a free press, an independent judiciary, and a transparent


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