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The Probe team

The Probe Impact: Government calls off Pawan Hans Disinvestment

By The Probe team

Starting from May 2022 to September 2022, The Probe’s Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Ravi Nair, and Abir Dasgupta did a series of exposés revealing the glaring discrepancies in finalising the bidders for the disinvestment of the government-owned helicopter service provider Pawan Hans Limited. Reports have now emerged that the government has decided to call off the controversial disinvestment deal. Read on to access our three part investigative series.

Vanishing Wetlands: Unveiling Delhi's Environmental Crisis

By The Probe team

Delhi, the bustling capital of India, is currently facing a lesser-known but critical environmental crisis - the rapid disappearance of its wetlands. In this news documentary, we delve into the alarming situation of Delhi's vanishing wetlands, shedding light on the causes, consequences, and the silent environmental catastrophe that unfolds as a result of their depletion.

No Education For Children Of JJ Colony in Noida

By The Probe team

Sector 18 in Noida is one of the city's commercial and fashion hotspots, which houses several national media outlets, shopping malls, restaurants, clubs and discotheques. But behind this glitz and glamour is a resettlement colony of the poor called JJ Colony. While Noida is considered one of the most developed cities in Uttar Pradesh, the children of JJ colony do not go to school.
