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Prem Panicker

Modi Faces Multiple Challenges

By Prem Panicker

Modi dodged a bullet when he got the NDA Parliamentary Party to acclaim him as leader of the coalition, neatly side-stepping the RSS demand that the leader of the BJP Parliamentary Party be elected by the party MPs through ballot.

Media Matters...

By Prem Panicker

During a media interaction when Rahul Gandhi asked for a Joint Parliamentary Committee investigation into the stock market scam that caused retail investors to lose huge sums on 4 June, a reporter tells him that a JPC is a waste of public money.

Fifth Phase: Storm Warning

By Prem Panicker

As people vote in the fifth phase, which will set the tone for the final stretch of the election, Modi revisits personal grievances and outdated promises. Meanwhile, a rogue wave is rising — its impact will be known in 16 days.
