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Tunnel Collapse: Forgotten Tragedy, Survivors Ate Mud and Paper

Tunnel Collapse: In 2015, three labourers were trapped in a Himachal Pradesh tunnel accident. We revisit these stories to highlight the challenges faced by labourers and the urgent need for better safety in construction projects.

By Anshuman Singh
New Update
Tunnel Collapse | The Probe
Maniram (Left) and Satish Tomar (Right) | Photo courtesy: Special arrangement

Tunnel Collapse: "We Ate Mud and Paper"

"We used to eat mud when we got stuck after a tunnel collapse for nine days in Himachal Pradesh. The machine we operated contained a logbook, and we used to eat paper from that book. During the initial five days, we were completely cut off from the outside world and were gripped by the fear of imminent death. The tunnel was shrouded in darkness,” states Maniram, reflecting on those nine bleak days. 

Back in 2015, Maniram and two other labourers were working on a 1200-metre tunnel as part of a highway project in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. Their world was completely altered when the disaster struck. A massive cascade of debris thundered down upon the tunnel, trapping Maniram and his fellow labourer, Satish Tomar. Tragically, Hirda Ram, their third companion, died on the spot following the tunnel collapse.

Both the labourers' entrapment in the tunnel lasted for an  agonising nine days. As the tunnel floor turned into their makeshift bed, their predicament worsened when the tunnel began to flood. To stay alive, they stood atop a machine that was also trapped along with them. 

“On that fateful night of September 12, 2015, a group of 18 to 19 workers, including the three of us, were on the night shift duty. At approximately 8 pm, the tragedy struck. The situation remained dire for both of us for the first five days as those days slipped by without any communication with the outside world. It was only after this initial period that a glimmer of hope emerged when a CCTV camera and microphones were finally inserted into the tunnel, enabling limited contact with the rescuers. On the tenth day, the NDRF team rescued us,” recounts Maniram. 

Amidst the ongoing herculean efforts to rescue 41 trapped workers after the Silkyara tunnel collapse in Uttarakhand, it's impossible to ignore the distressing patterns and sobering realities that seem to echo across similar incidents. India frequently bears witness to such calamities, where labourers become ensnared or tragically lose their lives amidst construction sites, road-building projects, or tunnel works. Yet, while a handful of these tragedies garner attention and media coverage, the majority remain hidden in obscurity, untouched by the public eye.

Adding to the poignancy of these stories is the disheartening fact that many victims and their families receive no compensation for the perils they endure. Maniram, reflects on his own experience, revealing that he received just a compensation of one lakh rupees from the private company responsible for the construction work. However, he laments the absence of any compensation from the government. 

"Following the incident, the company's contract was terminated. Although I was promised a permanent job, it never materialised. The company did provide me with a compensation of one lakh rupees, but I received no compensation from the government. I didn't want to complain; I was simply grateful that I did not die and I survived by the grace of God," asserts Maniram.

These road and highway projects, while potentially involving subcontracted work with private construction companies, are fundamentally government initiatives. When incidents like these occur, it is imperative for the government to assume responsibility. At the very least, after such harrowing incidents, the workers should receive the compensation they rightfully deserve for the physical and psychological toll they endure.

However, regrettably, our system often lacks a robust culture of offering counselling and providing adequate compensation to those affected by such incidents. This absence not only overlooks the emotional scars that survivors carry but also fails to address the financial burdens they may face due to medical bills and lost wages during their recovery.

In our conversation with Satish Tomar, a native of Sirmaur district in Uttar Pradesh, a startling revelation emerged. Satish disclosed that he had foreseen the impending collapse of the tunnel due to the emergence of cracks. He also sounded the alarm, notifying both his fellow workers and the construction company about the precarious situation. However, what's truly disconcerting is that it took a full five days after his alert for the tunnel collapse to occur but nothing much was done to avert the disaster.

"I cautioned my colleagues about the potential tunnel collapse as the tunnel was weak and cracks were visible in its structure. Unfortunately, my concerns were not taken seriously at the time. Subsequently, the company initiated maintenance efforts in response to the cracks. Despite my apprehensions, I felt compelled to return to work the following day due to my financial constraints as I come from a low income


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